For some reason, posting finishes is hard. I entered this quilt into the Melbourne Royal Show before it was completed. I thought that the three months to due date was enough to finish the quilting I had just started and submit to the show. And I suppose it was, except it took a solid month… Continue reading Storm at Sea: Voyage completed… last year
Tag: Stormatsea
Storm at Sea rows sewn!
Another milestone reached. All 10 rows sewn, now to sew them together into the final top! And for a little “snack” break, I bought a couple of really cute kits from Hatched and Patched.
Storm at Sea milestone
72 nine inch blocks completed! I got a notification from my photo app that i started printing the shapes on fabric FOUR YEARS AGO. It’s fine. We're here now and I’ve already begun sewing the first row together.