For some reason, posting finishes is hard. I entered this quilt into the Melbourne Royal Show before it was completed. I thought that the three months to due date was enough to finish the quilting I had just started and submit to the show. And I suppose it was, except it took a solid month… Continue reading Storm at Sea: Voyage completed… last year
Tag: Sewing
Storm at Sea rows sewn!
Another milestone reached. All 10 rows sewn, now to sew them together into the final top! And for a little “snack” break, I bought a couple of really cute kits from Hatched and Patched.
Storm at Sea milestone
72 nine inch blocks completed! I got a notification from my photo app that i started printing the shapes on fabric FOUR YEARS AGO. It’s fine. We're here now and I’ve already begun sewing the first row together.
Storm at Sea progress
I’ve stalled a bit on this quilt, so decided I needed to see what the final top would look like. I laid out most of the completed blocks on the spare bed to get an idea. Laying it out helped a lot. I like the way it’s looking. For a while there, I wasn’t sure… Continue reading Storm at Sea progress
Indigo Star Quilt Revisited
So about a decade ago, I ordered this kit from Alabama Chanin. It is still unfinished and to distract myself from starting new projects, I'm looking at it again. The original design was allover Le Moyne stars, but I've departed from that idea before. I reopened my EQ file and I've settled on this design.… Continue reading Indigo Star Quilt Revisited
Poang chair covered
Camera strap cover
I covered my camera strap years ago and being the kind of thing that you don't normally wash, it has gotten really, really manky. To the point where hubby refused to put it around his neck when I needed him to hold it for me. He was right, it was disgusting. I found some really… Continue reading Camera strap cover
Time in a bottle
How is it already October?! My last update was quite a while ago. I need to figure out how to post automatically from Instagram so that it doesn't happen again! I'm working on several different projects, but here's an update on the Advent Calendar. I have 16 ornaments decorated with sequins and beads. Eight to… Continue reading Time in a bottle
Vogue 1349 ala Alabama Chanin
Indigo Star Variations
Yeah. Because it's not enough to make the blanket according to the original instructions. And actually, because I opted to use Inklingo to create the shapes, it's already different and adding a few more of my own choices make the blanket truly my own. Right? Right!So I recreated the original pattern in EQ7 so I… Continue reading Indigo Star Variations
Alabama Chanin Swing Skirt
So last year, there was a sale on some DIY kits at Alabama Chanin and I just couldn't resist ordering the swing skirt. I chose peacock fabric and slate thread. I've sewn the first panel (out of four), and have just started to cut out the centers. Three more to go and a mystery quilt… Continue reading Alabama Chanin Swing Skirt