Inklingo · Quilting

Storm at Sea: Voyage completed… last year

For some reason, posting finishes is hard. I entered this quilt into the Melbourne Royal Show before it was completed. I thought that the three months to due date was enough to finish the quilting I had just started and submit to the show. And I suppose it was, except it took a solid month of sewing for hours every day to ensure it was done in time and even then, I had my hubby drive me so that I could try and quickly sew on a hanging sleeve (which wasn’t used anyway).

The full quilt

It ended up being fairly stressful but it got done and it got a First!

First! But they didn’t use the hanging sleeve 🫠

Some more pictures

Quilting progress

I used a variegated sashiko thread I bought from the AQC quilt show.

My haul from the AQC Quilt Show 2023

The thread ran out right near the end and I ended up using some red perle 8 to finish off the border.

I haven’t even tried to calculate the total cost or time spent but it was definitely a LOT. I was very happy to gift it to my sister at Christmas.

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